This page is dedicated to the discussion of learning, teaching and managing education through my experiences in Finland.
My name is Lais Oliveira Leite, I’m Brazilian, Education Psychologist, and I love to travel. I came to Finland in 2016 for the Master Programme in Primary Education at the University of Eastern Finland and I am still in the middle of (k)nowhere – as they call it here.

I have visited different types of Finnish schools, in rural and urban areas. I have assisted in University courses, developed research, helped in intercultural encounters, provided export education modules to foreign Universities, among other activities. Now I want to share with you some of my experiences and reflections.
We are offering personalized online/hybrid workshops about the Education system in Finland and related topics.
Eduix supports Karelian thesis management process
Eduix cares deeply about how our solutions are helping our customers to address their challenges and how we can improve…
All EYEs ON TAMK 2023
March is a special month for Eduix: for the second year we will participate in the Education Leadership Forum organized…
Wihi truly supports students’ personalized learning
Although “personalized learning” has been a buzz term in the education field, there are not many concrete examples of holistic…
Open Science Schooling and the Project: Young Students as Critical Science Detectives
The current disengagement of science education at school Students have been constantly reporting cognitive and affective disengagement with science learning…
Aquarium, a curious concept of education
Every time I would get involved in export/exchange education projects in Finland, I would remind asking myself: How did Finland…
To find Eduix, I put myself out there
The website Good News from Finland just posted an interview about my working life in Finland. The series of interviews…
Helping to implement Flipped Classroom at a Finnish University
In 2019, I was responsible to design a self-study course and its materials about Flipped Classroom targeted to the international…
A teacher toolkit for developing positive relationship with students
When I came to Finland for my Master studies, I wanted to research about a topic that already intrigued me…
When I learned that hard work and free time are not mutually exclusive
When I arrived in Finland in 2016 to start my Master degree in Education, I was stressed. I had to…