Webinar series

Glowdom and Eduix leveraging the digital ecosystem for education in Namibia

Glowdom and Eduix have joined forces to provide a national-grade education digitalisation ecosystem for Namibia. Eduix is the leading education software ecosystem in Finland. Glowdom has in-depth knowledge about the opportunities in Namibia and a hands-on experience on delivering local solutions. Our goal is to completely and rapidly change the way school and student management and related services are done in the country.

In order to share our experience with all our contributors and partners (that is, you!), we decided to organize a webinar series to share what we have learned and connect with relevant stakeholders to join efforts in bringing Namibia education to the next level.

The webinars will count on the participation of experts in the edutech field from Finland and Namibia. After the speakers present their ideas, we have Q&A sessions with the audience. This webinar series include the following themes:

WEBINAR 1. Digitizing education management in emerging markets 

In our first episode, Lais Oliveira Leite (education consultant, Eduix) briefly presented what is digitization of education management and a roadmap on how to implement it. Next, Rami Heinisuo (Eduix CEO & Founder) reported his views on enforced remote education in Finland during the Covid-19 pandemic and how digitized education management supported this process. Finally, Sebulon David (Glowdom CEO & Founder) shared his experiences on leveraging education in Namibia by digitizing education management, approaching both successes and challenges along the way.

Watch the recording of the episode 1 here on Youtube.

WEBINAR 2. Digitizing the teaching practice amid the Covid-19 pandemic in Namibia

In our second episode, Lais Oliveira Leite (education consultant, Eduix) presents different models to understand the integration of technology in education, taking into account the human and teacher perspectives within this process. Next, Iina Shivute (program manager, Glowdom) discusses challenges and possibilities of digitizing education amid pandemic from her perspective as a software educator. Tugela Sakarias (Teacher in the De Duine High School, Namibia) presents his perspectives as a change agent teacher about the successes and challenges on adopting remote education amid the pandemic

Watch the recording of the episode 2 here on Youtube.

WEBINAR 3. Education in the world 4.0: bridging the gap between education and the market

In our third episode, Pauliina Halme (Partner Director, Eduix) presents a case example of how Eduix has started to build a new age system around skills and competences. Next, Hasekiel Johannes (Head of Innovation, NUST)) presents how private-public, education centers-enterprises collaborations can boost local/regional/national development from his experiences in Namibia. Finally, Altti Lagstedt (Senior Lecturer, Haaga-Helia UAS) discusses different aspects of learning analytics in supporting student academic progress.SHOW LESS

Watch the recording of the episode 3 here on Youtube.

WEBINAR 4. Systematic data for decision-making: transnational experiences

In our fourth episode, Klaus Nylamo (Senior Partner, Eduix) talks about his 20 years of experience in public and private sectors to improve their work process through data. Next, Ruusa Iipinge presents her perspectives on how data can support development. Finally, Sebulon David (CEO and founder, Glowdom) presents how the ahaa! ecosystem has leveraged education in Namibia with its digital solutions for quality data collection and transparent work processes.

Watch the recording of the episode 4 here on Youtube.

WEBINAR 5. e-teaching

Closing the year, in this webinar the guests talk about e-teaching from three perspectives: Altti Lagstedt presents the TPACK (technological, pedagogical, content knowledge) framework to support teachers in integrating these different but complementary aspects of teaching competences Lais Leite exemplifies how the TPACK framework can be realized through the Flipped Classroom methodology Katrina Basimike describes her actual experiences as a Namibian teacher, when trying to implement edtech in her daily work and the challenges that appear on the way.

Watch the recording of the episode 5 here on Youtube.

WEBINAR 6. Open Science Schooling

Open Science Schooling and its related projects were funded by the European Commision (Erasmus+) and undertaken by a consortium of universities and schools around Europe.

The Open Science Schooling webinar, hosted by Glowdom at Oshana Secondary School of Computing with Lais Oliveira Leite of Eduix Ltd, aimed at sharing lessons learned from the project Young Students as Critical Science Detectives.

As an educational consultant, Laís emphasized that:

Students are active agents at the heart of inquiry-oriented science learning. In the OSS project, students identify and frame the research problems that they are intrigued and interested in tackling, and they lead the discovery of solutions and innovations, helping situate science in everyday life.

Laís Leite, education consultant at Eduix

Oshana School of Computing is a new establishment (July 2022) and is very ambitious to re-think and innovate education with Glowdom development partners.

Watch the recording of the episode 6 here on Youtube.

Webinars on-demand

Our most important goal is to share stories and connect with you. Therefore, we are very open to hear your suggestions of what kind of webinars you would like us to organize, who are the people you think we should invite and how we can make this experience more relevant to you.

Suggest your webinar ideas here!