International efforts in 2022

The year 2022 is almost over and we decided to wrap up our main efforts on supporting education digital transformation around the world.

We’ve had a great time boosting our internationalization projects mainly in Latin America, Europe and Africa regions. Below I wrap up the highlights of this year:

  1. Publication of the Edupreneurs Recommendation Paper, April
  2. Participation at the Education Leadership Forum at TAMK, April
  3. Participation at Bett Brasil Educar, May
  4. Participation at the European Universities Information System (EUNIS) Conference, June
  5. Webinar organized by Oshana School of Computing about Open Science Schooling, September
  6. Trip to Ghana to build education ecosystem through digitalizing theses processes, September
  7. Participation at the ADEA Triennale in Mauritius, October
  8. Participation at the Annual IT days of Finnish HEIs at LUT University, November

We are very excite for the comming year of 2023.

“Have a peaceful Christmas”, by Eduix Oy

Until then, Eduix wishes you all a Happy Holiday Season and a Marvelous New Year!