In today’s increasingly digital world, the adoption of technology has transformed various aspects of our lives. One area that has seen a significant shift is education, particularly in the management of learning and teaching processes. However, despite increased education digitalization, supervision and management of thesis work has been one core task that is still lagging behind.
In our recent work developed in the international market, when we start having meaningful and open conversations with potential customers about Wihi, our platform for the management and supervision of thesis work, many academic staff bring us a concern, derived from digitalization misconceptions, that Wihi may decrease face-to-face (f2f) interactions between students and supervisors. In this blog post, we will debunk this assumption and explore how thesis work digitalization with Wihi actually enhances and fosters supervisor-student interactions, both f2f and remotely.
Dispelling the Misconception
Contrary to popular belief, the introduction of a platform for thesis supervision does not inherently imply that students and supervisors will limit their interactions solely to the digital interface. It is essential to understand that the platform serves as a supportive tool rather than a replacement for personal engagement. By embracing digitalization, we can address existing challenges and facilitate more effective communication and collaboration.
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